HEO is comprised of 11 districts. Each district may have multiple minor hockey associations comprising of both house league and competitive hockey programs. District 14 represents the teams in the AAA League.
2023-24 HEO Minor League Champions
2023-24 HEO Minor Playoff Champions
District Website
District Associations
Brockville Minor Hockey Association
Michael Schofield
Association President
Website: www.gobmha.ca
P.O. Box 835
Brockville, ON K6V 5W1
Kemptville Minor Hockey Association
Stacey Seymour
Association President
Website: www.kemptvillehockey.com
PO Box 1633
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Leeds Minor Hockey Association
Matt Smith
Association President
Website: www.leedschargers.com
P.O. Box 495
Athens, ON K0E 1B0
North Dundas Minor Hockey Association
Liz Cavanagh
Association President
Website: www.northdundasminorhockey.com
11280 Cameron Road,
Winchester , ON
Rideau St. Lawrence Minor Hockey Association
Association President
Website: www.rslkings.com
459 County Road 41
Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0
Smiths Falls Minor Hockey Association
Alex Ross
Association President
Website: www.sfmha.ca
P.O Box 693
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4T6
South Dundas Minor Hockey Association
Amber Kelly
Association President
Website: www.sdhockey.ca
P. O. Box 494
Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
South Grenville Minor Hockey Association
Stephanie Foley
Association President
Website: www.sgmha.com
P.O. Box 1359
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
District Website
District Associations
Akwesasne Minor Hockey Association
Association President
Website: https://leagues.teamlinkt.com/akwesasnewolves
36 Arena Road
Akwesasne, ON K6H 5R7
Alexandria and District Minor Hockey Association
François Lavigne
Association President
Website: www.alexandriaminorhockey.org
PO Box 1054
Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0
Char-Lan Minor Hockey Association
Jane Vandrish
Association President
Website: CLMHA Website
Box 142, 19740 John Street
Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0
Cornwall Minor Hockey Association
Tom Cooper
Association President
Website: www.cornwallminorhockey.ca
Unit 1- 800 Seventh St West
Cornwall, ON K6J 0A3
Lower St. Lawrence Minor Hockey League
Mandy Anderson
Association President
Website: Website
1020 Second Street West
Cornwall, ON K6J 1J1
North Glengarry-Stormont Minor Hockey Association
Kevin Anderson
Association President
Website: www.ngshockey.com
16295 Elm Road
Avonmore, ON K0C 1C0
Seaway Valley Minor Hockey Association
Rob Lamarche
Association President
Website: www.seawayvalleyrapids.com
808 7th Street West, Unit #3
Cornwall, ON K6J 0A3
South Stormont Minor Hockey Association
Tim Waldroff
Association President
Website: www.southstormontselects.com
P.O. Box 308
Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0
District Website
District Associations
Casselman Minor Hockey Association
Amy Desjardins
Association President
Website: www.casselmanminorhockey.ca
1808 Des Pins St.
Limoges, ON,
Casselman-Embrun Ice Dogs MHA
VACANT - Contact: Chet Holterman, Director Hockey Operations
Association President
Website: www.icedogshockey.ca
51 Beaver Lane,
Limoges ON,
Clarence Township Minor Hockey Association
Patrick Charbonneau
Association President
Website: www.clarencehockey.ca
P.O. Box 212
Clarence Creek, ON K0A 1N0
Clarence-Rockland Crush
Marc Charbonneau
Association President
Website: www.clarence-rocklandrepbhockey.com
P.O. Box 54
Rockland, ON K4K 1K2
Eastern Ontario Cobras
Sebastien Saumure
Association President
Website: http://easternontariocobras.com/
P.O. Box 65
Rockland, ON K4K 1K2
Eastern Prescott Russell Minor Hockey Association
Mathieu Gatien
Association President
Website: www.eprmha.ca
Embrun Minor Hockey Association
Max Lauzon
Association President
Website: www.emha-ahme.com
P.O Box 1
Embrun, ON K0A 1W0
Rockland Minor Hockey Association
Dominic Dupuis
Association President
Website: www.rockland-nats.ca
PO Box 372 Stn Main
Rockland, ON K4K 1K5
St. Isidore Minor Hockey Association
Andréanne Lortie
Association President
Website: www.hockeymineurst-isidore.com
P.O. Box 317, 20 Rue de l'Arena
St-Isidore, ON K0C 2B0
District Website
District Associations
Almonte-Pakenham Minor Hockey Association
Scott Robbillard
Association President
Website: www.apmha.org
P.O. Box 1714
Almonte, ON K0A 1A0
Carleton Place Minor Hockey Association
Stuart Robinson
Association President
Website: www.cpmha.ca
77 Neelin St,
Carleton Place, ON
Lanark Carleton Minor Hockey League
Tom Stephens
Association President
Website: www.lanark.goalline.ca
156 Abaca Way
Stittsville, ON K2S 2C2
Mississippi Thunder Kings Hockey Club
Jennifer Downey
Association President
Website: www.mtk.goalline.ca
Osgoode Richmond Romans MHA
Martin Bouchard
Association President
Website: www.romanshockey.ca
2-5572 Dr. Leach Drive
Manotick, ON K4M 1E1
Osgoode Rideau Minor Hockey Association
Cameron Legault
Association President
Website: www.ormha.ca
5572-2 Dr. Leach Drive
Manotick, ON K4M 1E1
Ottawa Valley Silver Seven
Tyler Nystedt
Association President
Website: www.silversevenhockey.com
P.O. Box 86
Stittsville, ON K2S 1A6
Perth-Lanark Minor Hockey Association
Morgan McNevin
Association President
Website: www.plmha.ca
Box 341 Station Main
Perth, ON K7H 3G1
Richmond-Munster Minor Hockey Association
James Wallace
Association President
Website: www.rmmha.goalline.ca
P.O. Box 1303
Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
Stittsville Minor Hockey Association
Terry Foley
Association President
Website: www.stittsvilleminorhockey.com
PO Box 892
Stittsville, ON K2S 1B1
West Carleton Minor Hockey Association
Natasha Danschinko
Association President
Website: www.wcmha.ca
PO Box 406
Carp, ON K0A 1L0
District Website
District Associations
Arnprior Minor Hockey Association
Angie Miller
Association President
Website: www.arnpriorminorhockey.ca
PO Box 372
Arnprior, ON K7S 3L9
Barry's Bay and Area Minor Hockey Association
Stephanie Plebon
Association President
Website: www.barrysbayminorhockey.ca
P.O. Box 754
Barry's Bay, ON K0J 1B0
Deep River and Area Minor Hockey Association
Steve Bird
Association President
Website: www.dramha.com
P.O. Box 1331
Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
Eganville and District Minor Hockey Association
Kevin Seguin
Association President
Website: www.edmha.goalline.ca
P.O. Box 499
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
Greater Petawawa Minor Hockey Association
Darren Hermiston
Association President
Website: www.petawawaminorhockey.ca
P.O. Box 105
Petawawa, ON K8A 2X1
Muskrat Minor Hockey Association
Amy Mackenzie
Association President
Website: www.muskratminorhockey.com
PO Box 406
Cobden, ON K0J 1K0
Pembroke Minor Hockey Association
Jason Laronde
Association President
Website: www.pembrokeminorhockey.com
P.O. Box 725
Pembroke, ON K8A 6X9
Renfrew Minor Hockey Association
Jon Pole
Association President
Website: www.renfrewminorhockey.ca
1 Ma-Te-Way Park Drive, PO Box 184
Renfrew, ON K7V 4A3
Upper Ottawa Valley Aces AA Minor Hockey Association
Dustin Hoffman
Association President
Website: www.upperottawavalleyaces.com
103A Carriage Landing
Haley's Station, ON K0J 1Y0
District Website
District Associations
Canterbury Minor Hockey Association
Annie Gilchrist
Association President
Website: www.canterburyhockey.ca
1910 St-Laurent Blvd P.O.Box 41056 Elmvale PO
Ottawa, ON K1G 2K9
Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association
David Loehr
Association President
Website: www.ocmha.ca
P.O. Box 21001, South Postal Outlet
Ottawa, ON K1S 5N2
Ottawa East Minor Hockey Association
Association President
Website: www.oemha.ca
P. O. Box 44004 Montreal Square
Ottawa, ON K1K 4P8
Ottawa Sting MHA
Brett McGarry
Association President
Website: www.ottawasting.com
42 Bellwood
Ottawa, ON K1S 1S7
Ottawa West Minor Hockey Association
Michael Skeggs
Association President
Website: www.goldenknightshockey.org
P.O. Box 23128 Carlingwood PO
Ottawa, ON K2A 4E2
SouthEnd Minor Hockey Association
Sean Hopkin
Association President
Website: www.southendminorhockey.com
PO Box 83017 Vista Centre
Ottawa, ON K1V 1A3
West End Hockey League
Ben Lee
Association President
Website: http://www.westendhockey.com/
1554 Carling Ave, Unit 300
Ottawa, ON K1Z 7M4
District Website
District Associations
Blackburn Minor Hockey Association
Todd O'Brien
Association President
Website: www.blackburnstingers.ca
PO Box 47055
Ottawa, ON K1B 5P9
Gloucester Centre Minor Hockey Association
Natasha McKenzie
Association President
RPO Beacon Hill, 2339 Ogilvie Road, PO Box 46113
Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7
Leitrim Minor Hockey Association
Stacey Hall
Association President
Website: www.leitrimhockey.ca
P.O. Box 242
Carlsbad Springs, ON K0A 1K0
Metcalfe Minor Hockey Association
Julianne Oelke-Simonsen
Association President
Website: www.metcalfejets.ca
PO Box 401
Metcalfe, ON K0A 2P0
Orleans Minor Hockey Association
Jocelyn Murray
Association President
Website: www.orleansminorhockey.ca
P.O. Box 62003
Orleans, ON K1C 7H8
Russell Minor Hockey Association
Matt Dickie
Association President
Website: www.russellwarriors.ca
PO Box 281
Russell, ON K4R 1E1
Gloucester Rangers
Jeff Flaro
Association President
Website: www.gloucesterrangers.com
1140 Medoc Court
Orleans, ON K1C 2S6
District Website
District Associations
Nepean Minor Hockey Association
Ingrid Meza-McDonald
Association President
Website: www.nepeanhockey.on.ca
100 Malvern Drive, Suite 203,
Walter Baker Sports Centre
Nepean, ON K2J 2G5
District Website
District Associations
Kanata Minor Hockey Association
Erin Murphy
Association President
Website: www.kmha.ca
100 Charlie Rogers Place, Box 3
Kanata, ON K2V 1A2
Steve Harrison
Email: RIC@cumberlandminorhockey.ca
Website: http://www.cumberlandrefs.ca/
District Website
District Associations
Cumberland Dukes Minor Hockey Association
Association President
Website: www.cumberlandminorhockey.ca
1585 Tenth Line Road
Ottawa, ON K1E 3E8
Cumberland Jr. Grads Minor Hockey Club
Ryan Shields
Association President
Website: www.cumberland-jrgrads.com
1585 Tenth Line Road
Ottawa, ON K1E 3E8
District Associations
Eastern Ontario Wild - AAA
Glenn Adams
Association President
Website: www.wildaaa.ca
1155 Caprice Court
Cumberland, ON K4C 1R7
Ottawa Jr. 67s - AAA
Rob Campagna
Association President
Website: www.ottawajr67s.ca
Ottawa, ON
Ottawa Myers Automotive AAA Hockey Association
Richard Tangalin
Association President
Website: www.myersaaa.ca
79 Weybridge Drive
Ottawa ON K2J 2Z6
Ottawa Valley Titans - AAA
Joce Legault
Association President
Website: www.ottawavalleytitans.ca
Upper Canada Cyclones - AAA
Matthew Graham
Association President
Website: www.uccaaa.com
204 Beley Street
Brockville, ON
K6V 6Z8