
National Volunteer Week - Claudia Tondreau

April 20, 2024

During National Volunteer Week, HEO will be sharing stories of some of the incredible volunteers we are so lucky to have involved in hockey in Eastern Ontario. This story features Claudia Tondreau of the HEO AAA League.

“As the Convenor of the U14, U15, U16, and U18 divisions, Claudia Tondreau is the lady that ‘does it all!’ Passionate in her approach to all things related to the HEO ‘AAA’ Hockey League, she sacrifices her personal time and is responsible for the overall good conduct of games. Always available to lend a hand to the many volunteers that seek her assistance, Claudia is a valuable resource and brings great credit to the program.” - Lucas Cacciotti, President of the HEO AAA Hockey League


Q: What volunteer roles do you hold within HEO? Can you briefly describe what you do in these roles.

A: I am the convenor for U14 to U18 divisions. I oversee entering games for the season, and any changes that occur for game changes throughout the season and playoffs. I book all the referees for these games and make sure all referees are booked for such games. I as well do the final decision if games are to be canceled and rescheduled due to weather. I update all stats as needed if there is an error on the game sheets. I also do the ordering of playoff champion and finalist trophies and gifts. I pick up the trophies before the start of the following season to have the plates changed with the updated winners.


Q: How did you get involved with volunteering?

A: I started volunteering many years ago as it has always been a family tradition to give back to our communities.

I have volunteered with;

 - The Montreal SPCA 17 years

 - Dodge Cup 3 years

 - Military Family Resource Centre 7 years

 - Numerous hockey, soccer, and baseball associations. Too many years too count!

 - This year will make my 10th year on the HEO AAA Board.


Q: What has been the most rewarding part about volunteering?

A: The players, it is getting to know them, seeing their accomplishments, and watching them grow as hockey players and great all-around people. I still get kids (I call them kids) but 26-year-olds still come and hug me, talk to me, and relive the times in their hockey careers.  I have made many friends and I know we will continue to be friends even after I retire from volunteering.


Q: Why do you think others should get involved in volunteering?

A: It is extremely rewarding knowing you made a difference. Without volunteers, no program would run and volunteers are the pillar of any associations. It takes a village is what I always say.

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